wearing a cap after hair transplant

When Can I Start Wearing a Cap After Hair Transplant?

wearing a cap after hair transplant

August 2, 2022 by

Dr. Semra Akıntürk

If you’ve recently undergone hair transplantation surgery, you may be wondering when it’s safe to start wearing a cap after hair transplant again.

In this post, we’ll answer that question and also provide some tips on how to care for your new hair.

Keep reading for more information!

Why is wearing a cap after a hair transplant not allowed?

While you may be tempted to cover your head after a hair transplant with a hat or scarf, this can actually cause more harm than good. The pressure from a tight-fitting hat can disrupt the healing process. Additionally, the fabric can rub against the transplanted hair and cause them to become dislodged.

Also, don’t forget that your scalp needs to breathe and have frequent airflow from time to time. Wearing a cap after hair transplant can trap heat and moisture, creating an ideal environment for bacteria to grow. This will lead to an increased risk of infection.

When can I start wearing a cap or hat after hair transplant?

One of the most common questions asked by patients after a hair transplant is when they can wear hats or caps. While every patient is different, most surgeons recommend waiting for at least 10 to 14 days before putting any kind of headwear on the scalp.

This gives the transplanted hair follicles time to settle into their new location and start growing. Once the follicles are firmly rooted, they will be better able to withstand the pressure of a hat or cap.

In addition, it is important to avoid anything that could irritate the scalp during this time, as this could damage the newly transplanted hair. After a couple of weeks, you should be able to return to your normal activities, including wearing a hat or cap.

However, some doctors may give the green light to wear a hat sooner after 7 days but under one condition and that’s to wear a loose bucket hat.

What kind of hats can I wear after hair transplant?

Although wearing a cap after hair transplant is absolutely not allowed for 2 weeks but in certain cases, there could be exceptions. Some people have to cover their heads after hair transplantation surgery for different reasons. Maybe they want to conceal the signs of the surgery or maybe they don’t want anyone to know they had the procedure done.

In such cases, your doctor may permit wearing a loose head cover that doesn’t put much pressure on the scalp. This includes wearing a fisherman or bucket hat which most hair transplant clinics in Turkey provide within their packages.

That means no tight beanies, baseball hats, or other headwear that could put pressure on your scalp is allowed. Additionally, you have to be careful of the hat material or fabric used. You must stay away from anything made from wool as it can stick to the hair follicles and dislodge them.

After two weeks, you can start slowly introducing hats back into your life. Start with loose-fitting caps and work your way up to tighter-fitting hats as your scalp begins to heal.

Things to keep in mind when covering your head after hair transplantation

While it is generally not recommended to cover your head after a hair transplant, there are some exceptions. If you must cover your head, make sure to:

  • Wear a loose-fitting hat such as a fisherman’s cap that doesn’t put pressure on the scalp.
  • Avoid hats made from wool or other materials that could stick to the transplanted.
  • Avoid wearing hoodies and stick to buttoned shirts or something with a zipper.
  • Be careful when you put on or remove the hat to prevent friction with the transplanted hair grafts.

Is wearing a helmet allowed after a hair transplant?

We understand that sometimes it is necessary to wear a helmet as part of the job. However, wearing a helmet after a hair transplant is generally not allowed, as it can actually interfere with the healing process.

The pressure from the helmet can cause the newly transplanted hair follicles to become dislodged, which can lead to an uneven or patchy appearance. In addition, the helmet can trap sweat and moisture around the hair follicles, which can clog pores and lead to infection.

So while it’s important to wear a helmet for work, in this case, it’s best to take a leave for at least 3-4 weeks.

Can women wear a scarf after hair transplant?

Some women who are covered may hesitate to get a hair transplant since they know that they shouldn’t cover their heads. So what to do in this case?

We have performed many hair transplants for women who wear hijab and they can still cover their heads. But it’s important that they use a soft and silky fabric. Also, we recommend our female patients not to wrap it very tight around their head and keep it loose for the first 10-14 days.

Protecting the scalp from sunlight and dust after a hair transplant

You must be asking yourself now “how am I supposed to protect my scalp from sunlight and dust if I can’t wear a cap after hair transplant?”

In cases where you need to be under the sun for a short while we recommend wearing the bucket cap provided by the clinic. Also, we recommend our patients to limit their exposure to sunlight and windy or rainy weather as much as possible during the first 2 weeks.

By taking these precautions, you can help ensure that your hair transplant is successful. If you still have any concerns about caring for your transplanted area, please be sure to speak with your doctor.


Which cap to wear after hair transplant?

During the first two weeks after hair transplant, you must opt for a loose-fitting cap such as a bucket or fisherman hat. Avoid any tight caps after hair transplant that can put pressure on the scalp and dislocate the grafts.

Can you cover your head after a hair transplant?

Hair transplant doctors don’t recommend covering the head after a hair transplant before 2 weeks. If the patient had to cover their head for some reason they can opt for a loose-fitting hat like a bucket hat.

How soon after a hair transplant can you wear a hat?

Most hair transplant experts recommend their patients to wait at least 10-14 days before wearing a hat. This will give the follicles time to settle into their new location and start to grow. It’s also important to make sure that the hat is loose-fitting and doesn’t put too much pressure on the scalp.

Can I wear a scarf or hijab after a hair transplant?

We understand that it a headcover holds some religious and cultural importance for some women. Females can wear a loosely wrapped scarf made of soft silk fabric so as to not stick to the hair grafts.

Can you wear a bandana after hair transplant?

Whenever unnecessary it’s better not to wear any head accessories for the first 10-14 days. However, if necessary patients may wear a loose-fitting bandana but make sure not to tie it too hard.

Written By

Dr. Semra Akıntürk

Dr. Semra Akıntürk is a renowned dermatologist based in Istanbul, Turkey. With extensive training and experience in skin health and hair transplant, she specializes in various dermatological treatments, including cosmetic procedures and skin disease management. Dr. Akıntürk is known for her patient-centered approach, utilizing the latest advancements in dermatology to provide personalized care. She is actively involved in continuing education and often shares her expertise through workshops and publications, contributing to the broader medical community.

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