Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
How is hair transplant performed ?
Hair transplantation is performed under local anaesthesia, which normally doesn’t require serious surgical intervention, where the process takes between 3-5 hours depending on the number of hair follicles extracted. It is normal for some scars to appear around the transplanted hair in the first few days of the procedure. Usually, the patient can leave the surgical center and practice his or her normal life on the third day of the surgery with avoiding strenuous physical activity. Often, hair loss begins after 4 weeks. The new hair begins to grow in just 3 months before a person can shave his hair naturally after only one month.
When undertaking FUE procedure, it is essential to shave the donor area in the back of the scalp from where the hair follicles will be harvested. The surgeon usually shaves a wider area to be able to extracts the maximum number of grafts possible without doing any harm to the donor area. However, no to very minimal shaving is needed for the receiving area of the hair.
It is usually seen in men. The most important factor in the hair loss is genetic. Other factors that may trigger hair loss are stress, depression, Seborrheic skin disease, and sometimes it comes as a side effect of some medications, and treatments.
Not everyone is eligible for hair transplantation. It can usually be applied to men. Women can also undergo hair transplant, but because female pattern hair loss is more diffuse around the scalp, it may not always be a good idea.. We advise you to contact us for an online consultation to learn more about your specific situation.
Everyone can undergo hair transplantation as long as they are 19 years old or above and have enough hair in the donor area.
Are there any risks to hair transplant?
There are very minimal risks associated with the procedure and those are the ones associated with standard hair transplants. For instance, a 1mm hypopigmentation in the the donor site can be visible if the hair is completely shaved.
However, FUE is the safest hair restoration procedure out there. In our center we do not perform Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) because of the risks associated with it.
First of all hair transplant cannot be performed on totally bald people. Enough hair from the donor area is crucial. Also, we do not perform it on patients with a heart condition, patients with severe renal insufficiency, and advanced blood pressure patients.
The root of hair to be harvested is called follicle. The duration of the procedure is proportional to the number of follicles. It can last for a minimum of 2-3 hours, to a maximum of 7-8 hours. The amount depends on the size of the area to be transplanted.
It is medically possible for hair to be taken from cartilage, back, collar and legs. But there is a drawback to this: the hair in our head and the hair in the other parts of the body are very different in terms of texture and durability, which often lead to poor unnatural results. Therefore, we do not perform it in our clinic.
No, only a patient’s own hair can be transplanted to him. Because if the hair of another person is transplanted it may be rejected by the body’s immune system thus resulting in more serious problems in relation with immunity.